Tuesday, August 28, 2012


check out the awesome giveaway going on by That Lil Prop Shop at 49Dresses blog!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hetalia Season 5

OMG!!! Can't contain my excitement!!!! Hetalia Season 5 has been given green-lit!!! It's not over yet!!! T^T <- tears of joy     I hope it never ends!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

First DIY Cosplay : Toph

I have already cosplayed as Kuroyuri from 07 Ghost, but that outfit was ordered online. So no work needed!

But this new outfit, Toph Beifong's Fire Nation Disguise, I figured I would make one since I love this character and want to make it as perfect as possible.

So far....I've only made one wrist thingy.

I made this into two parts, the actual wrist part and then the triangular thingy that goes on top of the hand. It took about 5 hours to make since I had to figure out how to make this and hand sew everything (i don't know how to use a sewing machine and i suck at sewing).

Now since I figured that out...I have to make another one..T^T
and then I have to figure out the whole outfit x.x
So glad that the con I'm going to is more than a year later. xD

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Engrish of the D4y

Today's Engrish is from a cute journal.
At the top are these words.....
My Sweet Dream
When you have problem remember me. I will always beside you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Old to New Look

I am one of those small kids that have not grown since 6th grade. So...all my middle school clothes, though worn out, still fit me.

 Just for example...
this really old Old Navy shirt.
The neck area is stretched out, the fabric is becoming thin and the whole shirt has been twisted out of shape from too many times in the wash.
Then...there's this shirt that my mom bought for me at T. J. Maxx for $6.       I look completely old and ridiculous in it. It's not my style. And it makes me look awkwardly proportioned. But I can't just not wear something my mom bought for me...
So you layer these two random shirts together and.......

Yay! A cute outfit! Whoever knew? Now I can continue to wear my really old middle school shirt and wear the old lady shirt and nothing goes to waste and nobody's feelings are hurt.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fairy Light

So...this is a card that a Japanese woman (whose son and daughter learn piano from my mom) made on water color paper. I assume it's a fairy with...bubbles?? colors of light??

I think it is very cute. Wish I could paint with watercolors without it spreading and making everything a blob of mixed colors and making the paper unreasonably wet.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mr. Hippo

Hello Everyone! My name is Mr. Hippo.
Samanthine has not been taking good care of me, shoving me in her backpack...

As you see, I've been a bit stretched out for a hippo...

And see how badly I've been treated!!
My guts have been stiffened and are always pulled out, one by one, then put back in quite hastly. Dr. Samanthine doesn't even sew me up properly! She attached a zipper to me...A ZIPPER... so she can open me up anytime she wants!!

Well...yes....Mr. Hippo has a vivid imagination.....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Korean Proverb of the Week

This is a book of.....sayings?? I guess in Korean.
The title can be translated as Child's First PIcture 'Sayings' Dictionary. It has a lot of sayings that a lot of Korean people use. Sadly the only one I can remember is this:

It basically means "with one ear I listen, and with one hear it comes out".I think you can get the meaning of this xD.The boy is being called to do his homework and the boy replies 'Yes' with obviously no intention of doing his work whatsoever.
The reason this is the only saying that I can ever memorize is because this is exactly how I act when my parents say anything naggy like to me. Sadly I still have typical asian parents who say....
Why you have 100%??!! You suppose to have 120%!! You fail life and dishonor family. 

Badtz-Maru Cup

I put my pencils in this cup since it's weird to drink out of the top of it's spiky head. Seems like I'm eating his brain xD. He also helps me study since whenever I get bored and don't wanna study anymore, he gives me the 'get back to work' stare.

But Badtz-Maru....I don't wanna study......IT'S SUMMER!!!!

Fish Kiss

Random ceramic fishes that can kiss! I have no clue what I'm really suppose to use them for...maybe to put small candles in them??

Engrish of the D4y

There is a blessing in the air
which seems a sense
of joy to the sunlit street of mind

What in the world is that suppose to mean??!! xD Have any opinions? Write in the comments below!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cute Tea Set

I've had this tea set for a looooong time, ever since I was in 2nd grade. It was a gift from an adult at church. But that's all I remember. I have really bad memory skills.

It was displayed in my living room, but had to be taken back into my room because all the little kids that come to my house for piano lessons (my mom is a piano teacher) keep playing with it and dropping it. I took good care of that tea set but now it has chips. D: